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Welcome Back Guide

What to Expect

Before You Arrive

Be Healthy
Stay home if you are ill or at risk of infection. The live stream worship service on Facebook Live will continue. 

Bring a Mask
We ask everyone (adult and child) who is able, to wear a mask while at NCC and throughout the worship service.

Bring Your Own Hand Sanitizer
Having your own supply helps us maintain ours for those who need it.

Come, Sit, and Leave as One Household
Travel to church and sit at church only with those whom you physically live with.

Come for Worship
The in-person services in the sanctuary will be the only in-person activity each week. Doors to the building will open 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service itself.

Let Us Know Which Service You Plan to Attend (8:45 AM or 10:45 AM)
Click here to let us know.

Bring Water
The use of water fountains in the building will be prohibited, but bottled water will be provided instead. Feel free to use the water provided or bring some from home for personal use.

Arriving at Northside

Observe Social Distancing in the Parking Lot and As You Approach the Main Entrance
Be respectful of others. Maintain social distancing of 6 ft. from others at all times. 


Entering the Building

One Entrance, One Exit
The only entrance/exit will be the Main Entrance. Doors will be propped open during the entrance and exit times (before and after the service). An usher/volunteer (masked and wearing gloves) will be responsible for propping and closing the door. 

Wait to Be Instructed to Enter
The usher/volunteer at the door will instruct you when you can enter the building (think Kroger, or Lowe’s). No bulletins will be distributed in order to minimize points of contact.

Inside the Building

Follow the Arrows and Ushers
Arrows on the floor, as well as other signage, will be used to guide people to their seats in the sanctuary. No loitering will be allowed in the lobby. The basement of the building will be completely off-limits.

Bring Your Children with You
The worship services will be family services (all ages) until further notice. 

Upset Child? Use KidSpace.
During this time, the main area of KidSpace will be used as our Parent-Child Room. A live feed of the worship service will be set up on the projection screen in KidSpace. Limited seating will be set up there as well. Anyone using this room during the service will be expected to maintain social distancing. Any children must be accompanied by an adult from their residence. 

Pick up Communion Emblems
Upon entering the sanctuary, pick up your individual communion emblems on the way to your seat. We will use pre-packaged, sealed serving cups (with bread sealed in the top of the cup).

Go to the Front-Most Pew
Ushers inside the building will direct you to the front-most available pew. Once you are seated, that will be your seat for the remainder of the service.

Maintain Social Distancing in the Sanctuary 
Every other pew will be available to use as seating. Within each usable pew, will be a designated area for sitting (6 feet in from either aisle). A family of four to six people (from the same household) will be able to sit together. Two single adults from separate households should be able to sit within this area, socially distanced.

We ask individuals to remain in the sanctuary aside from using restroom facilities. To use the restroom, please exit using the middle aisle once seated.

Only one person will be allowed in a restroom at a time. Restrooms on the main floor will be the only ones permitted for use with exceptions for emergencies only. Parents with infants will be asked to use the changing stations located in these restrooms. The Nursery will not be accessible.

Hand Sanitizer 
Hand sanitizing stations will be available on either end of the church lobby.

Offering Boxes
The offering will now be collected in secure boxes affixed to the walls at the rear of the sanctuary. Simply deposit your cash or check directly into the box before or after the service. 

End of Worship Service
Congregants will be dismissed one row at a time by ushers (Think weddings and funerals). Each row will be dismissed once the lobby is clear. Each person is expected to maintain social distancing as they exit the sanctuary and building.

Individuals making a decision of any kind will be encouraged to remain in their seats following the dismissal of the congregation. A staff member or leader will meet with them there (socially distanced) to discuss their decision in more detail.

Exiting the Building

Promptly Exit Building at the Conclusion of the Service
Again, no loitering in the lobby will be permitted to maintain social distancing. Ushers protected with masks and gloves will have already propped open the Main Entrance doors to allow for exiting. The Main Entrance will be the only exit at the conclusion of the service.

Socialize Outside (From 6 feet) 
Once outside the building, feel free to socialize while observing social distancing. We ask that people keep themselves to the far sidewalk or greenspaces to allow ease of exit for others leaving the building. 

Please Do Not Reenter the Building
Reentry is discouraged unless deemed absolutely necessary. Volunteers responsible for cleaning between services will need time for doing so prior to the service that follows.

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